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The assessment confirms the project’s compliance with environmental standards, ensuring that the technology can be deployed while safeguarding Namibia’s marine ecosystems. This development also provides increased confidence for investors, signifying the project’s viability in the renewable energy sector, noted Kaoko Green Energy Solutions.

The Flourish Prizes are each year’s culminating event for AIM2Flourish, a Fowler Center initiative that recognizes the positive impact of today’s business leaders while changing the way tomorrow’s leaders are taught.

The third edition of the Tech Tour Ocean 2024 Investment Programme concluded with a dynamic event which took place in Bodø, Norway on May 13-14, 2024. This year, over 30 innovative companies, focused on ocean innovation, were carefully selected by a distinguished panel of more than 35 leading investors and corporate partners to present their technologies at onsite pitching sessions.

Water-based energy generation, from its conventional hydroelectric beginnings to the innovative WaveRoller technology, illustrates humanity’s enduring ingenuity in using nature’s power.

A story published by AIM2Flourish and wriiten by Saga Sollman and Viktor Kauranen, students at Hanken School of Economics. AIM2Flourish is an initiative of the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit at the Weatherhead School of Management — Case Western Reserve University. AIM2Flourish accelerates the shift to a Business for Good mindset by recognizing the positive impact of today’s business leaders, and changing the way tomorrow’s leaders are taught.

Springwise’s library contains a number of innovations that harness the power of water, including technology that harnesses the power of raindrops and IoT software that improves hydropower plants’ efficiency by automating certain tasks.

Kaoko Green Energy Solutions and AW-Energy have enlisted the services of I.N.K Enviro Consultants to conduct a comprehensive Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for the WaveRoller wave energy pilot project.
Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves in the field of renewable energy, particularly in the development of robotic ocean wave energy systems.
El proyecto piloto de generación de energía undimotriz (a partir del oleaje), que está desarrollando Duro Felguera junto con el tecnólogo finlandés AW-Energy en colaboración con la Universidad de Oviedo y la Autoridad Portuaria de Avilés, es el protagonista del quinto episodio de la serie 'Quest for climate solutions', financiada por el Banco Europeo de Inversiones con el objetivo de mostrar proyectos destacados e innovadores para hacer frente a los retos planteados por el cambio climático.
Sitkeän kehitystyön ja testauksen ansiosta aalto- ja vuorovesivoimaloihin uskotaan nyt enemmän kuin koskaan. Aaltoenergian valttina on se, että sitä on saatavilla tasaisemmin kuin aurinko- ja tuulisähköä.
Das Energiepotenzial der Meere ist immens, wird aber kaum ausgeschöpft. Trotzdem schreitet die Kommerzialisierung der Anlagentechnik voran. Unmittelbar vor dem Rollout steht beispielsweise ein von einem finnischen Unternehmen entwickelter Konverter, der mithilfe von Meereswellen Strom erzeugt.