Combined with other renewable energy sources such as solar, WaveRoller® enables significant cost reductions in green hydrogen production and represents a viable solution in the drive to execute the world’s clean energy hydrogen roadmap.
milliontonnes was the global hydrogen demand in 2020, about a third of this is used to produce ammonia destined for fertilizers
milliontonnes of direct CO² emissions from hydrogen production as +99% is produced from fossil fuels.
tonnesor 0.03% of the hydrogen demand was generated through the electrolysis of water
milliontonnes of emission free hydrogen by 2035 is the demand growth needed to reach net zero emissions by 2050
Green Hydrogen
When planning a green hydrogen production plant, operators need to maximise the utilisation rate of their asset. By diversifying the supply of renewable power to include WaveRoller will significantly increase plant utilisation. For example, doubling solar generating capacity can increase the utilisation by 50%, but installing the same capacity of WaveRoller will increase the plant utilisation by 250%. WaveRoller compliments other renewables to generate significant downstream benefits.