The WaveRoller™ Pilot Power Plant, that was recently brought to harbor after campaign in Portugal, has now been thoroughly inspected by experts from Lloyd’s Register.
The inspection was carried out as a part of the cooperation between AW-Energy and Lloyd’s Register, with the aim to get a certification for the WaveRoller technology in the near future.
Very demanding sea conditions occurred under the trials, with significant wave heights of more than 8 meters. The aim of this specific campaign was to collect load case data on various parts of the device with a focus on the Panel.
The report states that the device is in very good condition and that: ”the
panel was in original condition and neither cracking nor breaking was found. After inspection the WaveRoller is ready for the next installation and operation can be continued.”
WaveRoller is one of the most promising solutions in the emerging nearshore wave energy industry, with several projects initiating in Portugal, France, Ireland and Chile. European technologies are leading the world in wave energy converter technology, and WaveRoller is a front runner amongst these.
Commercial roll-out of the WaveRoller™ -technology is proceeding according to plans. The first device is scheduled to be installed in Portugal in the 2nd half of 2015.
AW-Energy’s CEO, John Liljelund says: “All grid-connected sea trials during the past two years, with independently validated results on both performance and durability, prove the feasibility and viability of the WaveRoller technology and the nearshore wave energy solutions in general. We feel confident to scale up the unit size.”
“Lloyd’s Register Energy carried out a visual inspection of the WaveRoller demo device and found the structure in good condition. This successful inspection further demonstrates the commitment Lloyd’s Register Energy is seeing that AW Energy has towards design and build quality,” says Mr Ross Wigg, Vice President Renewables, Lloyd’s Register Energy.