The Power Take Off system (PTO) of the first 3×100 kW WaveRoller power plant got high scores in its final bench test as output capacity proved to be far higher than expected. The PTO was extensively tested over a six-week period in several different wave states, each corresponding to real-life conditions.
The results of the test sequence have attracted the interest of several utility companies, including previous collaborators and new potential partners. Their representatives have visited the test-facilities and held further talks concerning possible commercial applications.
“The test proved to be a success for the WaveRoller, the whole team is excited and we’re all really thrilled to see the system operating in a real marine environment “, said Mr John Liljelund, CEO of AW-Energy Oy.
The PTO is now being transported to Kotka, Finland, where it will be fitted to the machine room block and other important precision-work such as alignment of the main shaft seats will be conducted. By the month of May the power plant will be ready to be shipped to the deployment site in Peniche, Portugal, where final assembly of the flaps will take place.
Meanwhile, in preparation for final installation, on-shore infrastructure is under construction on land leased from the city of Peniche.