The patent provides AW-Energy with broad IP protection of its latest generation WaveRoller® device including a range of operating improvements made to the device’s system and infrastructure, particularly on failsafe operating improvements to protect against extreme weather conditions.
Christopher Ridgewell, CEO of AW-Energy, says: “finding new solutions is essential to protect our societies from the impacts of climate change. We’re working hard to meet these challenges and I am very proud of the innovative team at AW-Energy. We’ve listened carefully to our customers and developed new solutions that enable our customers to harness their unlimited wave energy resource both safely and reliably.”
WaveRoller® is increasingly being favoured as a ‘plug-in’ solution to harness the energy which can be extracted from wave power. AW-Energy is among the top few technology providers whose level of development meets the requirements of commercial energy projects such as ongoing installations in Portugal, Ireland, France, UK, Chile, in South East Asia and the US. Certification by DNVGL and Lloyd’s Register, has qualified the technology to mitigate risks and is making the technology bankable for large utility customers in US as well as across Europe and Asia.
This latest patent approval comes on the back of increasing advancements in the FOAK device. The EU patent approval adds further credibility to the established patent awarded by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The company has a portfolio of 70 awarded patents plus more than 10 patents pending, covering technologies and different countries.