Water covers about 70% of the planet, and much of it, driven by the Sun, is in constant motion. For at least 200 years, visionaries have dreamt of harnessing this “blue energy” and using it to power the world. But engineering challenges in these environments – especially at sea – can be vast. Discover more about our pioneering research and technology with the way we are harnessing ‘blue energy’ by science writer Stephen Ornes, published in the March 2020 issue of Physics World. Watch the video from 1.26 minutes at: https://physicsworld.com/a/blue-energy-innovative-ways-of-harnessing-energy-from-the-oceans/
WaveRoller on the forefront of wave energy certification
Wave & Tidal Energy Network features the latest certification of WaveRoller by Lloyd’s Register (LR) through the Technology Qualification process. Just last year we were awarded the Technology Qualification Certificate for our WaveRoller design – the first ocean energy converter to reach this level of validation by LR. Read the whole article at Wave & Tidal online, on page 4.