AW-Energy CEO, John Liljelund, was invited to join a delegation of Finnish business leaders travelling to Japan together with Prime Minister of Finland, Jyrki Katainen. The business delegation led by Prime Minister had a meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan, Yoshihiko Noda, on Monday in Tokyo. The purpose of the official visit of Prime Minister Katainen and that of the business delegation was to strengthen the economic relations between Finland and Japan, to open new business opportunities for Finnish companies in Japan and to encourage Japanese investment in Finland.
“Japan is going through a time of great change, for example, in its energy policy, especially in terms of its use of nuclear power after the crisis in Fukushima. Japan’s new energy policy guidelines to be published very soon will have a significant role even at global level. This will provide Finnish companies with unique opportunities to enhance cooperation with Japan, for example in the area of nuclear power and renewable natural resources. We are making moves at the right time”, Prime Minister Katainen said in Tokyo.
WaveRoller wave energy technology attracts a lot of attention in Japan not only because the country is an island, but also thanks to our recent deployment of wave farm consisting of three WaveRoller units.
Follow this link to read the related press release by Finnish Prime Minister’s Office
In the picture our CEO, John Liljelund, is shaking hands with the Prime Minister of Japan, Yoshihiko Noda. Finnish Prime Minister, Jyrki Katainen, first on the left.