AW-Energy is a pioneer in the green economy and is the global leader in wave energy technology.
Ideal for large scale utility and grid power energy supply
Ideal for strengthening energy systems to maintain a safe and secure electricity supply
Small Scale POWER
Ideal for behind-the-meter energy use and simple local logistics and manufacture
Ideal energy solutions for the emergency and coastguard and military
Third party validation and certification of products and procedures makes WaveRoller® a pioneer for the entire wave energy industry. The cooperation with strong industrial partners such as Lloyd’s Register® and DNV® ensure excellence in key areas, namely reliability and high availability. WaveRoller is currently following a Certification programme by Lloyd’s Register Energy for a full industrial Certification of WaveRoller technology.
WaveRoller technology is designed to have minimal impact on the environment and marine life. The emission-free device has a low visual impact as most of it is submerged. AW-Energy has carried out a full range of environmental monitoring procedures ranging from sediment movement to subsea noise levels. A life cycle assessment of the device is ongoing.
In this video the core of WaveRoller power take off technology can be seen in action. The swinging arrow indicates the movement of the panel. The nature of wave energy can be clearly seen, the power increases and then decreases as the panel changes direction as it is forced back and forth by the wave surge. One of the main challenges is turning this fluctuating power into smooth and grid compliant electricity. This has been solved by our power take off technology as can be seen by the stability of the Power Out bar.